Our Community

We are pretty proud of each other's achievements and this is where we shout about them. You can nominate a colleague, family member or even your pet for doing great things.

Group Biodiversity Manager
Special Move
Sustainable Travel Expert
sustainable miles
Mary Lewellyn
Special Move
Litter machine
6 Bags
litter collected
Ashley Ketchum
Special Move
Power stomper
steps in January
James Davies
Special Move
Hit the greens
Bunkers avoided
Aimee Huxley
Learning and Development
Special Move
Power Stomper
steps in January
Amy Clayton
Special Move
Fundraising Boss
raised so far


We do not aim this website to minors, but the content may be used by families and children. We encourage the use only if and to the extent that consent is given or authorized by the holder of parental responsibility over the child.

Please also note Redrow are not responsible or accountable for any information or imagery submitted other than for the purpose stated to share them as consented to inform other users of this site of their participation in those activities.

See our policy for further information here.

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Piece of litter collected
Nice work!
Nice work

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Recycling boss

Collect all the hidden litter on the site

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Nice work

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Sticker master

Complete all tasks & collect every sticker available in Green Academy

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Nice work

New achievement unlocked

Natural selection

Read the wellbeing headspace tip

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Nice work

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Better start now!

Read through all our cost of living tips!

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Why tick the box?

Completing tasks and challenges around Green Academy will earn you achievements in the form of stickers and awards. Ticking the boxes next to the tasks you have completed will unlock the achievements.

If you haven’t checked out your sticker page yet, what are you waiting for?

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