There’s a reason it’s called the ‘great outdoors’. Because it’s really good. So head outside with your family as often as you can. It will keep you fitter and healthier, plus you aren’t at home using electricity on games consoles and binge-worthy boxsets. Win, win.

Today's checklist 0/4

To help make your outdoor adventures even more fun, we've come up with some tasks for you to do. These regularly change, so keep checking back for the chance to collect another sticker.


Taken a good photo on your walk? We'd love to see it.

Out n' About

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Taken a good photo on your walk? We'd love to see it.

above component is ChecklistProgress.cshtml

Find a soundtrack

Pedal to the heavy metal

12 songs | 57 minutes

Perfect for : When you need that extra push

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Hit the dance floor

Listen to a curated playlist on your walk

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Keep your eyes peeled!

On your walk today, try and spot a...

Red kite


This is a BIG bird. With long wings and a distinctive forked tail. They are Red/Brown in colour and have white patches under their wings.


Keep your eyes on the skies!


You can spot them at any time of year in daylight

On your walk today, try and spot a...



The robin is a small, plump bird. Its black beak is short and thin. Males and females look identical, sporting a brown back, white belly and red breast, face and cheeks.


Check your garden or thicket


You can spot them at any time of year in daylight

Something to do....

Stop for 2 minutes and listen to the sounds around you

Life can be hectic. So take a second. Stop at a scenic point on your walk and listen to the sounds around you.

You could hear

Bird song, leaves rustling, wind whistling or a stream flowing.

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At one with nature

Complete 1 on your walk today checklist

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Gettin' the steps in

Complete 4 on your walk today checklist

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It’s a beautiful world. So feel free to share it with your other Green Academy students.

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We do not aim this website to minors, but the content may be used by families and children. We encourage the use only if and to the extent that consent is given or authorized by the holder of parental responsibility over the child.

Please also note Redrow are not responsible or accountable for any information or imagery submitted other than for the purpose stated to share them as consented to inform other users of this site of their participation in those activities.

See our policy for further information here.

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Recycling boss

Collect all the hidden litter on the site

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Sticker master

Complete all tasks & collect every sticker available in Green Academy

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Natural selection

Read the wellbeing headspace tip

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Better start now!

Read through all our cost of living tips!

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Why tick the box?

Completing tasks and challenges around Green Academy will earn you achievements in the form of stickers and awards. Ticking the boxes next to the tasks you have completed will unlock the achievements.

If you haven’t checked out your sticker page yet, what are you waiting for?

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